St. Paul the Apostle
Welcome to Our Parish
Mass & Confession Schedule
Lord's Day Masses:
Saturday @ 5:00 pm
Sunday @ 9:00 am, 11:00 am & 8:00 pm
Daily Mass:
Monday, Wednesday - Saturday @ 9:00 am
Tuesday evening @ 7:00 pm
Saturday 9:30 -10:00 am & 4:00 - 4:30 pm
Fridays 9:30 -10:00am
or by appointment (call the office for details)
Contact Information
For contact numbers, staff listing and address see our Contact page.
How to Donate
Your ongoing contributions to the parish are greatly appreciated and needed. There are a variety of ways to donate.
Find us on Social Media
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
This ministry provides important support to members of our community for a variety of needs. Donation support is always needed and greatly appreciated. Please click here for updated information on donation options and to learn more about this organization. If you need assistance, please call 905-522-8222
Children's Liturgy at St. Paul's
Please click on the image below for more information.
What's Happening at St. Paul's
Sacramental Registration for SY2024-2025
(First Reconciliation/Communion & Confirmation)
Attention families with children in our Parish Elementary Schools. If you have children attending Grade 2 and/or Grade 7 this school year, information for First Reconciliation & First Communion (Grade 2) and Confirmation (Grade 7) is now available. Please click on the following links to access the sacramental packages.
Printed copies will also be sent home with your child(ren) in the first week(s) of school. For any questions or concerts, please contact Melanie Gaddi via
Welcome Sunday
Sunday September 22nd marks our annual Welcome Sunday following the 9am & 11am masses. Join us in the parish hall where various parish groups and ministries are available to share information about what they offer to our community as well as various ways to get involved and active in the life of St. Paul the Apostle Parish. In particular we need additional volunteers for our 5pm and 8pm masses. Refreshments will be provided, and all are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there!
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Are you, or someone you know, not baptized or baptized in a non-Catholic Christian tradition who is searching for a relationship with God or wanting to become Catholic? Are you baptized Catholic but have not received the sacraments of Communion or Confirmation and would like to do so? The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) exists as a place to ask questions, seek understanding and establish a relationship God in the Catholic faith. Our website page, Becoming Catholic has more information.​​​​​​
Parish News & Announcements​​​
Please note that parish bulletins will be printed bi-weekly
for the summer months. Our regular weekly printing will return in September.
Access our online platform FORMED here, under our parish name St. Paul the Apostle Burlington, ON.