St. Paul the Apostle
Parish Groups
Small Faith Group
Who we are: A group of adult parishioners who practices ongoing faith formation; discusses, reflects, and prays about Sunday Scriptures.
Leader: Larry Rinaldo and Bob Kelly
Contact: larry.a.rinaldo@gmail.com or bob.j.kelly47@gmail.com
Meeting times: Tuesdays 7:30-9:30 pm in the Conference Room.
Dismas' Plea
(formerly Prayer Circle for Prisoners)
Who we are: Our group raises awareness of our correctional system, how it works and its effects on the lives of some of those involved in the system. Each month, we meet to share some insight into prison life, getting to know some prisoners and praying for their intentions and for the intentions of those who work within the system.
Leader: Deacon Brian Dunn
Contact: bdunn@hamiltondiocese.com
Meeting times: Every 3rd Monday of the month 7:00-9:00pm in the Parish Hall.
Stella Maris
Who we are: We provide practical and pastoral care to all seafarers, regardless of nationality, belief, or race. Our port chaplains and volunteer ship visitors welcome seafarers, offer welfare services and advice, practical help, care, and friendship.
Leader: Deacon Brian Dunn
Contact: bdunn@hamiltondiocese.com
This group is currently active in this ministry at our parish:
Circle of Love Quilters
Who we are: A group of parishioners who makes quilts for cancer patients that are receiving treatment at Joseph Brant Hospital, as well as cancer patients in the community.
Leader: Marilyn Bentley, Eve Dowie
Contact: Marilyn Bentley 905-335-8272 / edowie2251@yahoo.ca
Meeting times: Mondays 10:00 am - 3:00 pm in the Parish hall.