St. Paul the Apostle

As we continue to hope for a return to our normal lives this fall despite the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we also look forward to when we can all come together as a parish community. If you have not yet had the opportunity to contribute to the One Heart, One Soul campaign, I ask for your thoughtful and prayerful consideration. The majority of the funds raised will be for the ongoing maintenance and upgrades to our parish that are necessary so that we can be here for many more decades to serve you. I know that there are many demands on your finances at this time, but we put our trust in the Lord from whom all good things come, and strive to be generous with the many gifts that he has given to us. May God richly bless you for your support to this campaign.
FR. JOHN SCHNURR, Pastor of St. Paul Parish
Want To Know More?
The campaign kick off was February 21, 2021. Information packages were sent and many of our parishioners have generously contributed to the campaign. It is not too late to contribute. If you wish to receive more information for donating please contact the parish office.
To donate online click here.
For more general information about the One Heart One Soul Campaign please refer to the Diocese of Hamilton.