St. Paul the Apostle
Good Shepherd
This group of ministry volunteers assist at the Good Shepherd Centre in Hamilton assisting with the service of food to those in need. A team of 10 people from our parish go there the 2nd Saturday morning of each month and provide assistance with food service as needed. This ministry has approximately 40 volunteers and as such the teams change each month allowing every volunteer a chance to serve. Volunteers start the morning with food preparation followed by food service and leave around 12:30 pm. ​
It is a very rewarding ministry and one that serves a significant need in the Hamilton and surrounding communities.
Due to the current circumstances regarding Covid 19 the ministry has not been able to attend and provide service and await news as to when they will be recalled to serve.
If you have questions about his ministry or supporting the needs of the Good Shepherd Centre please contact the parish office and we will share your contact information with the ministry coordinator.