St. Paul the Apostle
Parish Event
Ash Wednesday
Wednesday, February 26th marks the beginning of Lent, we will celebrate Mass with the distribution of Ashes at 9am, 12 Noon and 8pm. Please join us as we enter this Holy season of Repentance. A reminder that Ash Wednesday is an obligatory day of Fasting and Abstinence.
Friday's of Lent
Every Friday of Lent we will have Eucharistic Adoration in the Chapel following the 9am Mass until Stations of the Cross. We will also have Confessions from 9:30am to 10:00am
Stations of the Cross
Friday evenings at 7pm during Lent we will have Stations of the Cross. Following Stations there will be a brief period of Eucharistic Adoration, concluding with Benediction around 8pm.
Parish Penance Celebration
Tuesday March 31 is the date for our Parish Penance Celebration beginning at 7pm.
Volunteers Needed for Wednesday Fellowship
We are looking for volunteers to help with Wednesday Fellowship after 9am Mass. If you are interested in helping with this ministry please contact the office. The plan going forward is to have someone or a group of people sign up for a particular month to help with this social and prayerful gathering.
Euchre Night At St. Paul's
The Social Committee is organizing a fun night of Euchre on February 29th after the 5 p.m. Mass. The cost is $5.00 per person. Pizza and pop will be available for purchase that night.
Please email stpaulsocial2011@gmail.com if interested.
Lift Jesus Higher Rally
The Annual Lift Jesus Higher Rally will be held on Sat. March 7, 2020 this year. Tickets are $25 for adults and $15 for youth. We are once again organizing a BUS leaving from St. Paul's parking lot at a fee of $5 per person. To take the bus and/or order tickets for this event, please sign up on the sheet that is on the table by the Hearth Room as soon as possible. The payment for the bus (and for the ticket if you want one) MUST be made at the same time as you register. Please drop payment off in Parish Office. Call Celia Lobo, 905-319-2526, for further information.
Thursday Night Bible Study
All parishioners are invited to join us every Thursday evening at 7:30pm in the Hearth Room for fellowship and to experience the connection between the Sacred Scriptures and the teaching of the Catholic Church.
First and Last Friday Adoration
​Please join us for Adoration on the first and last Friday of each month. The Blessed Sacrament Exposition takes place in the Chapel as follows:
First Friday of each month following the 9:00am Mass and concludes with Night Prayer and Benediction at 7:00pm.
Last Friday of each month following the 9:00am Mass and concludes with Benediction at 12:00pm.
Ministry to the Needy
​​St. Paul’s Ministry for the Needy Around the World is in great need of lined paper, construction paper, pencils, crayons, pencil sharpeners erasers and pencil crayons (new and used). All donations can be dropped in the Ministry’s blue Rubbermaid bin at the back of the church. Donations can be dropped off at the office.
​Diocesan and Other Workshops and Events
Sensory Friendly Mass
Mary Mother of God in Oakville will offer a monthly Mass for Catholics (young and old) with sensory sensitivities including Autism, Down Syndrome, Sensory Processing Disorder, ADHD and other sensory differences. You can expect lower lighting, softer music, shorter and more literal homilies, low gluten hosts and the freedom to move around if necessary. Most important, you'll receive the Eucharist while surrounded by fellow worshipers with a warm, welcoming attitude. Feel free to bring whatever supports you may need, including fidgets, weighted blankets, noise cancelling headphones, sunglasses or comfort toys. All Masses are on the second Sunday of the month at 3:00 pm. Dates for the sensory friendly Masses are: March (cancelled for March Break), April 12, May 10, June 14. for more info, contact Debbie Frey at youth.mmogp@bellnet.ca.
There is Hope After an Abortion
Are you struggling with an abortion decision - either your own, or someone else's? Do you feel alone, emotional, or angry? Project Rachel is a ministry of healing for any person suffering pain or problems from an abortion experience. This confidential service allows people to work through their feelings and find hope and healing. Please contact us at 905-526-1999 or toll free at 1-888-385-3850.
​Friday Night Support Group for Persons Separated or Divorced
Would it help you to have people around you to understand what you're going through? Would you like to hear some ideas that will encourage and help you to develop new ways of coping with the stresses in your life? The Hamilton Diocesan Support Group meets the 1st and 3rd Friday of each month and they can help! No need to register. Chancery Office, 700 King St. West, Hamilton from 7pm to 9pm. For more information call 905.528.7988 ext. 2249. There is NO COST