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Youth Ministry Resources

Resources Page for Summer


                    As summer is now upon us we will be limiting the information on this page as we are also adjusting to the                                      parish being reopened for services and that is taking up much our time and attention. 


Periodically we will  provide families with resources that are quick and

easy to use with a variety of different options for various ages:  videos, crafts, reflections, prayers and activities. 


            At the bottom of the page we will still have the format to conduct an at home liturgy with children should you prefer to                       do that. It will outline the format and each week will include a child friendly version of the Gospel story.


We hope to see you and your families at mass and remind you that we have instituted excellent protocol for these changing times including greeters with sanitizers, masks if you do not have one and our ushered seating in marked pews to ensure parish families are able to sit together while maintaining a proper physical distance from others.










Format for At Home Liturgy with Children


Steps for an at home Liturgy of the Word with Children:
- set a quiet space, a candle, a bible and a cross on a simple clean or

covered table is ideal
- make the sign of the cross together
- if possible light the candle, remind everyone we welcome Jesus and the candle is a sign that He is with us and the light of the world
- recite the Children's Liturgy welcome prayer

read the Gospel of the day and discuss what it means and what lesson we learn from it


When you are done you and your family may want to recite the An Act of Spiritual Communion






























































































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